Bob Marley
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Black Uhuru


(alapító tagok: Garth Dennis | Ducky Simpson | Don Carlos)

A megalakult együttes Uhuru néven felvett egy Curtis Mayfield számot, a "Romancing To The Folk Song"-ot. Aránylag kis sikert ért el. Garth Dennis átment a Wailing Souls együttesbe, Don Carlos pedig szóló munkába kezdett.

Így az egyedül maradt Ducky Simpson felvette Michael Rose-t és Errol Nelson-t (a Jayes együttesből) és végleges nevet választott a bandának: Black Uhuru. Ezzel a felállással rögzítették 1977-ben Prince Jammy-nél a Love Crises lemezt, amit később Black Sounds Of Freedom néven újra kiadtak.

Ezután Errol Nelson visszatért a Jayes-be. Helyette egy hölgy, Puma Jones lépett be az együttesbe. Ez a harmadik felállás Sly Dunbar és Robbie Shakespeare stúdiójában kezdett munkához, nem kis sikerrel. Első lemezük a Showcase volt, mely később több kiadást is megért különböző neveken. Ezen szerepeltek: a "General Penitentiary", "Shine Eye Gal" és az "Abortion" című dalok. Ezután leszerződtek az Island kiadóhoz, Sly és Robbie pedig beszállt ideiglenesen az együttesbe, hogy szolgáltassák a kemény basszust és a hihetetlen "rockers" dob ritmust.

Így koncertezték körbe a világot. Az Island által kiadott Anthem c. lemezük arról híres, hogy ez volt az amelyik megnyerte az első reggae Grammy-díjat 1985-ben.

Ez volt az az év is, amikor Michael Rose jobbnak látta odébb állni és szóló karrierjét újrakezdeni. Helyére Junior Reid lépett, aki a jamaicai dancehall téren volt közismert. Így nem sok jóval kecsegtette a Black Uhuru rajongótábort. Néhány lemez után visszatért ő is szóló karrierjéhez.

1990-ben Puma Jones meghalt rákban, így az eredeti felállás (Don Carlos, Ducky Simpson és Garth Dennis) ismét összejött egy lemez erejéig, melyet Now címmel adtak ki.

A 90-es években is aktív az együttes. Jelenlegi énekesük Andrew Bees, aki valahol Michael Rose és Junior Reid hangzása között van. A Black Uhuru mindig is egy nagyszerű együttes volt, annak ellenére, hogy soha nem érte el azt a nemzetközi elismerést, amit megérdemelt volna.

(írta: El Bandy)




The Complete Anthem Sessions (2004, Hip-O)
Disc 1: What Is Life | Party Next Door | Try It | Black Uhuru Anthem | Botanical Roots | Somebody's Watching You | Bull In The Pen | Elements | Party Next Door (A-Side Of 12" UK Single) | Party In Session (B-Side Of 12" UK Single)
Disc 2: What Is Life (dub mix) | Try It (dub mix) | Black Uhuru Anthem (dub mix) | Botanical Roots (dub mix) | Somebody's Watching You (dub mix) | Bull In The Pen (dub mix) | Elements (dub mix)
Disc 3: What Is Life (UK remix) | Solidarity (UK remix) | Black Uhuru Anthem (UK remix) | Try It (UK remix) | Botanical Roots (UK remix) | Somebody's Watching You (UK remix) | Bull In The Pen (UK remix) | Elements (UK remix) | What Is Life (Francios Kevorkian remix) | Solidarity (Zeus B Held remix) | Party Next Door (ET Thorngren remix)
Disc 4: What Is Life (ET Thorngren US Remix) | Solidarity (US remix) | Black Uhuru Anthem (US remix) | Try It (US remix) | Botanical Roots (US remix) | Party Next Door (ET Thorngren US remix) | Bull In The Pen (US remix) | Elements (US remix) | Somebody's Watching You (Bruce Forest remix) | Somebody's Watching You (Bruce Forest dub mix)
This Is Crucial Reggae (2004, RAS)
I Love King Selassie | Born Free | Brutal | Fit You Haffe Fit | Dread On The Mountain | Great Train Robbery | Cowboy Town | Space Within Your Heart | Positive | Psychopathic Drunkie | Evil Spiritual Gangster | Prophecy
20th Century Masters: The Millennium Collection (2002, Universal)
Chill Out | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Sponji Reggae | Push Push | Happiness | Youth Of Eglington | Sinsemilla | Mondays | What Is Life? (original mix) | Darkness | Party Next Door (original mix)
Universal Masters Collection (2001, PolyGram)
Sinsemilla | I Love King Selassie (live) | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Sponji Reggae | Ion Storm | Solidarity | Mondays/Killer Tuesday (10" version) | Party Next Door (12" version) | Black Uhuru Anthem | Shine Eye Gal (live) | World Is Africa | Utterance | What Is Life? | Youth Of Eglington | Youth | Chill Out
Dynasty (2001, RAS)
Liberation 2000 | Mother Of Iration | Stability | Dread To Be Rasta | Prophecy | Bone Alone | Proselyte | Top Of The Pop | Psychopathic Drunkies | Unfair Game | Evil Spiritual Gangster | Gathering Time
Dubbin' It Live (2001, Tabou1)
Party Next Door | What Is Life? | Here Comes Black Uhuru | I Love King Selassie | Bull In The Pen | World Is Africa | Solidarity | Sinsemilla | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
In Dub (2001, Dressed To Kill)
African Culture | Bad Girls (dub) | Crisis (dub) | Eden (dub) | Firehouse Special | His Imperial Majesty | Mystic Mix | Sound Man Style | Tonight Is The Night | Weeping Willow
Live '84 (2000, Tabou1)
Shine Eye Girl | Plastic Smile | Puff She Puff | I Love King Selassie | Youth Of Eglington | Push Push | General Penitentiary | Happiness | World Is Africa | Sponji Reggae | Sinsemilla | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Abortion
Ultimate Collection (2000, PolyGram)
Sinsemilla | I Love King Selassie | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Sponji Reggae | Love Crisis | Rent Man | Endurance | World Is Africa | Utterance | What Is Life? (original mix) | Youth Of Eglington | Youth | Try It (original mix) | Dread In The Mountain | Brutal | Darkness | Chill Out
Reunification (1998, Five Star General)
Here Comes Black Uhuru | System | Nyahbinghi Congo | Look At Life | Wicked Haffe Feel It | Real Thing | Can't Fight It | Proselyte | Hail Tafari | Lullaby Love | Babylon Fall With John Paul | Emperor Lion | Binghi Fire | Two For One
RAS Portraits (1997, RAS)
Brutal | Fire City | Great Train Robbery | Dub In The Mountain | Positive | Fit You Haffe Fit | Cowboy Town | Dread In The Mountain | Robbery Dub | Space Within Your Heart | Dub It With You | Painfully Dub
Strongg (1994, Mesa)
Brand New World | Strongg | Eye Of An Angel | From Jump Street | Reggae Song | Spectrum | Time Material & Space | Genocide | Big Bad Bully | Yes I | Conscience Calling | I Pray
Strongg Dubb (1994, Mesa)
Time Material & Space | Big Bad Bully | Strongg | How Can I Lie | From Jump Street | Reggae Song | Spectrum | Genocide | Brand New World | Yes I | Conscience Calling | I Pray | Time Material & Space (horn dub)
Liberation: The Island Anthology (1993, Island)
Disc 1: Chill Out | Party Next Door | Black Uhuru Anthem | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Shine Eye Gal | Sponji Reggae | Wicked Act | Botanical Roots | Somebody's Watching You | Utterance | Slaughter | I Love King Selassie | Darkness/Dubness | Elements
Disc 2: What Is Life? | Youth Of Eglington | Youth | Right Stuff | Whole World Is Africa | Happiness | Mondays/Killer Tuesday | Solidarity | Ion Storm | Try It | Bull In The Pen | Sinsemilla | Puff She Puff | Party In Session
Mystical Truth (1993, Mesa)
Questions | Bassline | Slipping Into Darkness | Give My Love | Don't You Worry | Dreadlock Pall | One Love | Payday | Ozone Layer | Living In The City | Young School Girl | Mercy Street
Mystical Truth Dub (1993, Mesa)
Questions | Bassline | Slippin' Into Darkness | Give My Love | Don't You Worry | Dreadlock Pall Bearers | One Love | Payday | Ozone Layer | Living In The City | Young School Girl | Mercy Street | Slippin' Into Darkness (vocal dub) | Dreadlock Pall Bearers (bass dub) | Living In The City (acappella) | Mercy Street (vocal dub)
Iron Storm (1991, Mesa)
Tip Of The Iceberg (remix) | Bloodshed | Colourblind Affair | Dancehall Vibes | Statement | Tip Of The Iceberg | Iron Storm | Breakout | Trouble | Colourblind Affair (FM)
Iron Storm Dub (1992, Mesa)
Tip Of The Iceberg (radio mix) | Breakout | Bloodshed | Trouble | Iron Storm | Dancehall Vibes | Statement | Colourblind Affair | Tip Of The Iceberg (club mix)
20 Greatest Hits (1991, Sonic Sounds)
Solidarity | Leaving To Zion | Anthem | Party Next Door | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Shine Eye Gal | Plastic Smile | Abortion | General Penitentiary | What Is Life | Spongie Reggae | Brutal | Monday | Sensemilla | Chill Out | Emotional Slaughter | Bull In The Pen | Eye Market | Endurance | Somebody Is Watching You
Now (1990, Mesa)
Heathen | Peace And Love | Army Band | Take Heed | Reggae Rock | Thinking About You | Imposter | Freedom Fighter | Word Sound | Hey Joe
Now Dub (1990, Mesa)
Reggae Rock | Hey Joe | Peace And Love | Take Heed | Heathen | Thinking About You | Freedom Fighter | Army Band | Imposter | Word Sound
Love Dub (1990, Rohit)
Far East | Crisis For | Satan Army Band | Unity With | Natural | Selassie In | Out Of The Sixteen | Willow Weep | Sorry For The Man | African
Live In New York City (1988, Rohit)
Eden | Peace & Love | Army Band | What Is Life? | Anthem | Crack | So Many Years | Thinking About You | Imposter | Freedom Fighter | Hey Joe
Positive (1987, RAS)
Fire City | Cowboy Town | My Concept | Space Within Your Heart | Positive | Pain | Dry Weather House | I Create | Burning Dub | Dub Town | Conceptual Dub | Space Within Your Dub
Positive Dub (1987, RAS)
Burning Dub | Dub Town | Conceptual Dub | Space Within Your Dub | Positively Dub | Extra Dry Dub | Painful Dub | Dub Creation | Conquer The Dub
Brutal (1986, RAS)
Brutal | Fit You Haffe Fit | Great Train Robbery | City Vibes | Uptown Girl | Conviction Or A Fine | Dread In The Mountain | Let Us Pray | Vision | Reggae With You
Brutal Dub (1986, RAS)
Let Us Dub | Dub In The Mountain | Brutalize Me With Dub | City Dub | Dub You Haffe Dub | Robbery Dub | Uptown Dub | Vision Of Dub | Dub It With You | Conviction Or A Dub
Reggae Greats (1985, Island)
Happiness | World Is Africa | Sponji Reggae | Youth Of Eglington | Darkness | What Is Life? | Bull In The Pen | Elements | Push Push | Right Stuff
Anthem (1984, Island)
What Is Life? | Party Next Door | Try It | Black Uhuru Anthem | Botanical Roots | Somebody's Watching You | Bull In The Pen | Elements
The Dub Factor (1983, Island)
Ion Storm | Youth | Big Spiff | Boof 'n' Baff 'n' Biff | Puffed Out | Android Rebellion | Apocalypse | Back Breaker | Sodom | Slaughter
Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (1983, Heartbeat)
Shine Eye Gal | Leaving To Zion | General Penitentiary | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Abortion | Natural Reggae Beat | Plastic Smile
Chill Out (1982, Island)
Chill Out | Darkness | Eye Market | Right Stuff | Mondays | Fleety Foot | Wicked Act | Moya (Queen Of I Jungle) | Emotional Slaughter
Tear It Up - Live (1982, Island)
Shine Eye Gal | Plastic Smile | Abortion | General Penitentiary | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | I Love King Selassie | Sinsemilla | Leaving For Zion
Uhuru In Dub (1982, CSA)
Eden Dub | Mystic Mix | His Imperial Majesty | Weeping Willow | Bad Girls Dub | Tonight Is The Night | Firehouse Special | African Culture | Crisis Dub | Sound Man Style
Red (1981, Island)
Youth Of Eglington | Sponji Reggae | Sistren | Journey | Utterance | Puff She Puff | Rockstone | Carbine
Black Sounds Of Freedom (1981, Greensleeves)
I Love King Selassie | Satan Army Band | Time To Unite | Natural Mystic | Eden Out Deh | Love Crisis | African Love | Hard Ground | Willow Tree | Sorry For The Man
Sinsemilla (1980, Island)
Happiness | World Is Africa | Push Push | There Is Fire | No Loafing | Sinsemilla | Endurance | Vampire
Black Uhuru (1980, Virgin)
Shine Eye Gal | Leaving To Zion | General Penitentiary | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Abortion | Natural Reggae Beat | Plastic Smile
Showcase (1979, Taxi)
Leaving To Zion | General Penitentiary | Guess Who's Coming To Dinner | Abortion | Natural Reggae Beat | Plastic Smile

Love Crisis (1977, Jammy's)
Love Crisis | Time To Unite | Bad Girl | Eden | Willow Tree | King Selassie | African Love | Natural Mystic | Army Band | Hard Ground



Forrás: Dreadslukk.hu

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Indulás: 2004-08-16
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